Why Content Marketing Became an Essential Part of Global Branding and Marketing

Content Strategy for Digital Marketing

With many markets merging into a global market, it has become essential to have an efficient global branding and marketing strategy. Content marketing, being a pillar of digital marketing efforts, has also proved to be an invaluable part of global marketing machinery. You can find a variety of content types distributed across virtually all available channels. What is so special about content marketing that makes it so versatile and timeless? Let’s see why content marketing became an essential part of global branding and marketing.

Every brand can create its own content

At the dawn of the digital marketing era, it was really hard to launch your own personalized digital marketing campaign, especially on a global scale. Engaging and valuable content seemed reserved only for brands with deep pockets. Since then, the tides have shifted, and the situation is quite different today. In other words, every brand can create its own content, and most of them do it every month. Content marketing for brand awareness success is not an option its a must without a doubt.

Content strategy for marketing teams is now available to companies of all sizes, with over 80% of marketers actively investing in it. Even startups with very limited budgets set aside a part of it to address content needs. It is the basic building block of an online marketing campaign.

It’s possible to do it for free

Online Content Marketing Channel Plan

While we are talking about limiting budgets and financial concerns brands have, before launching global scale content marketing campaigns, it’s important to note that content marketing is something you can do for free today. It may not bear the same results as a campaign organized and launched by a professional, but it’s still possible to do it for free.

Thanks to the rapid development of AI- and ML-based technologies in the past couple of years, brands now have access to various tools. These tools help automate content sharing across channels and enable brands to create original content from scratch.

Social media has made content more relevant

Content marketing chanel plan is a must, also named content publishing calendar. Having a social media team on payroll is expensive, let alone having one for every country. However, social media has made the content more relevant over the years. There is no need to have unique content for every target market to succeed. People on social media converge around the same ideas, popular hashtags, and trends. Content marketing for brand awareness needs to be able to work with the social media team to constantly feed the targeted audience with relevant content. Another reason why having a full content marketing channel plan is key.

A brand can hit a sweet spot with only one piece of content and reach millions of potential customers worldwide. Not to mention the auto-translate options most social media platforms have these days. It instantly makes your content more relevant to audiences in foreign countries.

More technologies are available that let people create content

Developping and executing a content strategy for digital marketing has never been easier thanks to content platforms and technologiues available to create, translate and share content. Creating content in the past had you nailed down by your computer. Thanks to the development of mobile technologies, content creators have more freedom than ever to create content on the go. Why is it important for a global marketing and branding strategy? Because you can deliver fresh content daily. Content marketing for brand awareness is an absolute must and the key is to produce relevant content a reasonnable price and be able to measure return per content piece.

Everything you need today to create content is an average smartphone. You are able to snap amazing photos, record videos, and share them across channels in a matter of seconds. Plus, there are dozens of smartphone apps specifically tailored to help you improve your content marketing game and achieve success.

There are a lot of platforms where content can be published

Two decades ago, you could only publish your content on websites. It was quite limiting when you think about it, especially if your plans were to reach as many people as possible across geographical regions. Fortunately, you can now launch content marketing initiatives across multiple channels. You can even add additional channels to the mix to advertise your content and keep customers in the loop.

Websites are still quite popular for content distribution. But we can see brands using social media platforms, forums, email, and SMS as content distribution channels. Add paid marketing channels to it, and you have plenty of options to leverage content marketing in branding and marketing strategy of any scale.

Because it can reach different audiences worldwide

The common pitfall of many digital marketing strategies is their reach. When working on a global strategy, one must address it, and content marketing is potentially the best way to do it. Why? Because content can reach all kinds of audiences worldwide.

Whether it is on a website, shared on social media, or on a video-sharing platform, content is available across demographics and has the potential to reach more people than any other digital marketing initiative.


Content marketing didn’t become an essential part of global branding and marketing by chance. It’s not some cool and modern thing to do, but a must-have marketing strategy to master. People don’t just buy products anymore, and it started reflecting on the B2B world too. Content marketing is the only way to create a story and value to attract more customers and ensure repeat business worldwide. Having a content strategy for digital marketing is not an option anymore and we can help you get there.


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